As a company, we’ve found our niche primarily in financial institutions. This means we have a keen understanding of how to scope and define project deliverables; and adhere to strict quality, compliance, health and safety, and security protocols.
We specialise in:
drywall and partitioning
suspended and plaster ceilings
joinery work
full turnkey projects

We are proud to have a full joinery operation on site where we experiment, craft and customise solutions that meet your needs.
This speaks directly to your workspace’s relevance and ongoing evolution.
In a shifting global market where workspaces are being tailored to speak to the needs of individuals, we’re the ideal “creation” partner. We can help you build a more effective and efficient space: one that’s aesthetically pleasing and functional, which also supports the use of technology and – most importantly – how your team members engage, sit, move and work in your office, commercial or retail environment.
We work to become an extension of your own team for the duration of the project – seeing ourselves as stewards who watch over the creative process, as well as being immersed in it.
If you can dream it, we can build it. We prototype your dream concepts, trouble shoot and test them, and make them reality. We invite you and your team to be actively involved in this process – collaborating and co-creating together.
All of our projects are legacy projects. We know our work has a direct impact on the environment. We believe it is our responsibility to own this and do something about it.
We’re partnering with Non-Profit Organisation Food and Trees for Africa to ensure the carbon created through our projects (from start to finish) is responsibly measured and neutralised by planting trees in communities that need them. This is a work in progress that will one day extend all the way back into our supply chain. We are proud to be pioneers in this space – working with our clients to ensure all our projects make the world a better place for our children or, at the very least, do not harm it.
We believe in giving back. While creating new green best practice is part of giving back, so is building and uplifting our own communities. We understand the difference each job in our workshop and on our sites makes. This is a responsibility we take very seriously. Each of our team members should leave our business (if and when they do) better off for having been part of our family.
Part of this is celebrating the artisanal work they do. Just like artwork, each of our pieces is custom-signed by its creators – instilling pride and a sense of achievement in everything we deliver and do.


We receive your brief

We quantify the calculation

We scope the project to get an understanding of its carbon footprint

We arrange for the trees to be planted (potentially in a community you already support)

We verify our carbon calculation taking into account all site visits, transport and delivery

We provide you with an auditable certificate from Food and Trees for Africa